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Monday, December 9, 2013

A Rest and Then Some

This week you must only complete one reading blog (and of course do the required reading) before Friday, December 13th.


However over break, you are expected to read 150 pages of your independent reading. If you have finished or nearly finished your book or are less than 150 pages away from the ending, take out another book for reading.

You only have to read the book - nothing else. Come back to class in January with your book (whichever one you're reading) in hand.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Help Create the Documentary Rubric

Monday, December 2, 2013

NaNoWriMo Bagel Brunch

Don't forget we're having a NaNoWriMo bagel brunch at 11:40 in the EVL classroom tomorrow to celebrate.

Independent Reading Push

I'll be grading you reading blogs over the next two weeks. Be sure to stay up to date. My check will be simple: I will look at the date of your last post. If you don't have a post within the last two days I will mark it as missing. This is all about practice and repition. It has to be this way.

This week be sure to read and blog before each time we meet. Again, continue to employ visual vocabulary. I will be paying particular attention to your tone, so make sure to have a clear one.