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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Long Break = Long Reading Assigment

Kidding! I'm kidding, sort of. It's not that long.

I'd like you to read fifty pages of your memoir. Many of you are near finishing. This will be our last blog about this book, so be sure to reflect on the book as a whole. Instead of what you thought of it, concentrate more on what was the purpose of the book. Why was it written? Was it effective?

Try again keeping these blogs informal, as that is the preferred diction for blogs in general.

Monday, October 27, 2014

AP Lang Reading Guide

Not sure what to read next? Which of the reading guide criteria have you already met?

Take a look.

Throughout the course of the year, you’ll have plenty of time to read about things you are interested in. However, part of reading is learning to appreciate things you aren't familiar with, but should be. If a book is good enough it can introduce us to a whole new way of looking at things. Also, there are topics and approaches that occur often on the exam. They appear because people in universities in the United States think they are important.

So, you must at some point this year read a book that fits one of the following categories.

Pre-20th Century Text:

Food-related reading/Nutrition/Animal Rights:

African-American Interests/Rights:

Women’s Point of View:

Latin America:

In addition you should at some point read one of each of these genres on your own. These can overlap with topics. In other words, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass would qualify as both memoir and as work relating to African-American rights.



Hard Science/Math Book:

Full-length Work of Journalism:

In May you are to have completed one of each category.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Guest Speaker

On Wednesday, November 5th November 12th at 2:15 a guest writer Deborah Schoeberlin David, from the Huffington Post. Come prepared to get tips on how to write, focus on tone and register. This will help you for our next summative assignment. I guarantee it.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Reviewing Citation

This video by Ms. Amy Norman I found very helpful. If you want some pointers while blogging, try some of these techniques.

Semi-colon v Colon Exercises

Try these exercises on your own.

Time for Some Feedback...For Me

At this point in the year, you all have a pretty good idea of the class. I'd love some feedback in order to make the rest of the year even better. Please take some time to click on this link and complete the survey. 

Make sure you're logged into your account to respond. It doesn't however record your name, or at least I can't see who gives the feedback.

How to Use a Semi-Colon

Semi-colons are meant to use sparingly. If, on a very special occasion, you want to use one, refer to this video. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Reading Independently

Respond to your partners reading blogs on their blog by Writers Workshop.

For Friday or Monday, write another reading blog in response to 30-35 pages of your memoir.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Life Skills Video

As we step into the perilous although exciting world of rhetoric, I'd like you to create a video blog entry in which you assess your life skills using this rubric - created by the high school. Do so by Monday or Tuesday. We´ll be watching and analyzing these together.


Machiavelli: devious advocate of "seeming"

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Blog Models?

Looking for some inspiration try this blog entry. I'd only say that you might want to cite some text and do some visual vocabulary.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

This Week's Reading

For our next class read 30-35 pages of your memoir and write one blog entry. Try really making this blog entry informal. Make it sound as authentic as possible.