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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An Intro: Research Paper

As we discussed in class, this month we're going to begin a research paper about linguistics.

Okay, no crying. The fun part is that you get to pick your topic. Rather than explain it all, I'd rather you see some samples to understand different approaches and what it is I'm looking for.

The topic will be linguistics, as we've been working on. However, that includes many areas of language.

Your classmates were very kind and have agreed that I share their papers and names. 

Here are three samples.

Come to next Writers Workshop with three possible topics. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

This Week

For our class this Friday or next Monday complete one reading vlog in which you incorporate notes from your discussion. You should read another 30-35 pages at home in addition. Be sure to be using your post-its.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Yes, the day has come. This weekend instead of writing a reading blog, you may write a reading vlog - that is a video in which you react to the text. In essence, this is entirely the same exercise. You can record this separately or in pairs. Either way remember you're addressing mostly your partner and discussing the book.

Here's an excellent example from a different class.