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Monday, November 25, 2013


By next Monday read approximately fifty pages more of your outside reading. You must only write one blog entry in response. Be sure to include visual vocabulary.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Cinema! Read Now

For our read noiw read Susan Allen Tooth's "Going to the Movies".

Which kind of movie does Toth like best - or does she like them all equally? How do you know? Cite two examples in the text.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Read Now

Here´s the Suan Sontag essay. Define ¨cinephile¨ according to Sontag. Are you a ¨cinephile¨?

Monday, November 18, 2013


By next week have completed three reading blog entries. Remember we are trying to get used to the volume of college reading with books that interest us (rather than books that don't that we might find in college). I expect one entry to be completed before each time we meet. In other words you should be reading your book at home regularly.

For each reading blog entry read 30-35 pages of your book. This is more than was expected before. Be sure to use post-its in your reading. It's part of your homework and will be part of your grade.

You also must include visual vocabulary in every blog entry. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Fallacious Commerical

All commercials should be posted on your blogs by next Writers Workshop.

You will be graded solely on the amount of fallacies you are able to cram into the commerical. All seven types will earn you a 4, six would be a 3.5, and so on.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Read Now

Read this informative article from the NYT. What do you think about this?

What is an opinion article anyway?

By Thursday or Friday read any op-ed article from the New York Times page that interests you. In a blog post, include a hyperlink to the article and respond to it. Remember your audience should be other people that read the article.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Book Debts

I'm not sure who took these out, or who has which copy, so if you have borrowed one of these from me, please return it to the library:

Due: 10/18/2013
"A heartbreaking work of staggering genius ; Mistakes we knew we were making :
  notes, corrections, clarifications, apologies, addenda"
  Call #: B EGGERS
  Barcode: T 27175

Due: 10/18/2013
"The color of water : a Black man's tribute to his white mother"
  Call #: B MCBRIDE
  Barcode: T 49827

Due: 10/18/2013
"Becoming a man : half a life story"
  Call #: B MONETTE
  Barcode: T 27463

Extremely Odd Passive Voice Video

Opinion Articles

So, let's have our op-ed articles due in print next Writers Workshop (Wednesday or Thursday). We'll focus on ways of getting things published and how to write cover letters.

Here's the rubric. Using your notes, try making a rubric you feel is fair and accurate.

Write Now

Find the fragments.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Playing Defense

So we've arrived to the part of the book that Heinreichs explains fallacies. By Thursday have read Chapters 15 and 16, then watch this clip and write one blog entry. Over the weekend, read Chapter 20, watch one episode of a comedy show of your choosing and write one blog entry.