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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Book Debts

I'm not sure who took these out, or who has which copy, so if you have borrowed one of these from me, please return it to the library:

Due: 10/18/2013
"A heartbreaking work of staggering genius ; Mistakes we knew we were making :
  notes, corrections, clarifications, apologies, addenda"
  Call #: B EGGERS
  Barcode: T 27175

Due: 10/18/2013
"The color of water : a Black man's tribute to his white mother"
  Call #: B MCBRIDE
  Barcode: T 49827

Due: 10/18/2013
"Becoming a man : half a life story"
  Call #: B MONETTE
  Barcode: T 27463

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