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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Capitalization Exercises

1. I read To Kill A Mockingbird when I was in High School. 
2. We went to Maui for vacation last year.
3. I don’t drink Coke, but I’d love a Diet Soda.
4. I hear you’re learning to speak french. I would love to go to France.
5. Jamie and Jonathon went to their high school dance together last May.
6. My Father-in-Law took me to a Chicago Cubs game; He doesn’t know I’m a White Sox fan.
7. Jessica’s dad, Dr. Johnson, wants her to be a Doctor as well.
8. Jeremy went to Alexander community college for two years. 
9. My sister’s new boyfriend is italian. 
10. We traveled South on vacation because my dad wanted to study Civil War history.

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