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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

After the mini-lesson, please take this quiz.

Comma Splices

Mini-lesson here.

Keep in mind, we're still not going to use a semi-colon.

Monday, September 23, 2013


For Wednesday or Thursday bring in your revised draft - either printed or with a tablet or laptop.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Questions for ¨A Plague of Tics¨

A. After the first page of the essay what can we infer about the speaker?
B. Define shingle and accoutrement.
C. Make an inference about their home based on the 16th paragraph.
D. Give one example of a descriptive detail that implies something.
E.  Why do you think Sedaris employs the word "eye-popping" on the bottom of page 367?
F. What is your attitude towards your material? Can you feel it as you read it? Or did you feel it as you wrote it?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Momentous Point Reading

Read any one of the following and recieve momentous points.

Questions for "Slavery is not dead, just less recognizable"

A. Define the term glut on page 2.
B. Evaluate this article's lead using the criteria we established in class.
C. Create a visual organizer for some of the statistics cited.
D. How has the United States government tried to stave off human trafficking? Cite examples. Are these measures fair? Why? Why not?
E. Why does Leach use Deng's story ?
F. Compare this understanding of slavery to the antebellum slavery in the United States according to Douglass.

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Facts, Jack

Well, this week, I'd like to finish Douglass's memoir. I'll expect commentary on Douglass' ending at some point. In addition, I'd like you to refer to these three webpages.Be sure to evaluate the information presented.

For Writers Workshop don't forget to complete you first draft of your memoir and bring it to class either with a computer or tablet or if not written by hand or printed. We'll learn about tone in class and then revise for tone.

We'll be choosing new memoirs to read over this weekend. Should you have a memoir that you're dying to read (idiomatically speaking of course), bring it in so I can have a look and approve it. If not, there are plenty of options, not to mention the option of reading a memoir together with other friends in the class.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

For Those That Missed Out on Today's Documentary

You can watch here.

Answer questions A-C in your notebook.

A. What is the difference between a biological and a social view of race?
B. Excluding your immediate family members, are you more likely to be genetically like
someone who looks like you or someone who does not?
C. Why is it impossible to use biological characteristics to sort people into consistent
races? Review some of the concepts such as "non-concordance" and "within-group
vs. between group variation."

Monday, September 9, 2013


See literacy narrative rubric here.

Don't Forget

This Wednesday (or Thursday) your final draft (printed and stapled) of your literacy narratives are due. I look forward to reading them.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Extra Thoughts

If you're writing or thinking about Django Unchained for whatever reason, I encourage you to respond to and think about these reviews/essays/articles.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Appeal to Pathos

This week you are in charge of your own reading. Each blog post should deal with a 20-25 minute reading session. However much you read in that period of time, you should deal with. You must write one reading blog entry for every time we meet - with the exception of Writers Workshop.

For Writers Workshop be sure to revise your drafts for dialogue formatting, in addition to anything else - as you see fit.