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Monday, September 16, 2013

The Facts, Jack

Well, this week, I'd like to finish Douglass's memoir. I'll expect commentary on Douglass' ending at some point. In addition, I'd like you to refer to these three webpages.Be sure to evaluate the information presented.

For Writers Workshop don't forget to complete you first draft of your memoir and bring it to class either with a computer or tablet or if not written by hand or printed. We'll learn about tone in class and then revise for tone.

We'll be choosing new memoirs to read over this weekend. Should you have a memoir that you're dying to read (idiomatically speaking of course), bring it in so I can have a look and approve it. If not, there are plenty of options, not to mention the option of reading a memoir together with other friends in the class.

1 comment:

  1. While reading this article I realized that my mind has the words slavery and chains very related, so it was "difficult" to understand the article's message.
    But, with its arguments I was able to understand that chains (old physical ones) are no longer the ones holding people to slavery.
    I understood that chains are now invisible. Today's invisible chains are formed by shackles such as: money loans, drugs, and others.
